It worked out okay. Not great, not bad, but okay.
But today I am tired of being reasonable.
Today, I am A Writer, and there is nothing much reasonable about that. Today, “I sound my barbaric yawp over the rooftops of the world.”
This web page is my yawp, my authorial manifesto. It’s my little place to share with the world what I’ve written and what I’m currently writing. This blog is something like my writing journal, in which I ponder and postulate about whatever has caught my attention. Sometimes it may be insightful, other times it may be silly. Some ideas will go nowhere, and some will hit pay dirt. Writing is sort of like cooking spaghetti; you’ve just got to keep throwing noodles at the wall until something sticks.
This site is where I get my Joseph Campbell on and “follow my bliss.” If your bliss is a little like my bliss, come join me on this rollicking journey, and we’ll see what we find.
Now then, everyone into the pool!