The primary point behind this video is that to ranger up to answer a call to service. The video is put out by former military, and former Army Rangers, but they include EMS, police/fire and others in their rubric for who is in a position to “ranger up,” and this rather broadens the scope of what sorts of people this might apply to.
I Ranger Up, and I hope you do, too.
Now, let me be absolutely clear, here. I am nobody's badass, and was never an Army Ranger – hell, the Navy told me to take a long walk off a short pier when I was 19, so not only was I not “special ops,” I was no “ops” at all. What I am is a middle aged English teacher with an expansive girth and wheezy sort of way of being in the world. But I Ranger Up just the same.
How I do ranger up? I volunteer with the Arizona Rangers, which is an all-volunteer force dedicated to law enforcement support and community service. We help our community on at least three fronts. We perform duties that would otherwise be done by law enforcement, and thus reduce the cost to the state. We do a lot of private security-type duties, providing a uniform presence that helps keep the peace. Our clients donate to our cause, which enables us to donate literally thousands of dollars each year to children’s charities. We, as Arizona Rangers, are out there serving our communities in tangible ways. In our own way, we protect and serve. We are not police officers, and don’t fulfill the same role, but as ordinary citizens who choose to serve our communities, who choose to stand up – who choose to “Ranger Up.” How do you Ranger Up in your community?